Area Director Candidate Q&A

The following are the Area Director Candidate Questions as asked by USPSA that will appear in the Sept/Oct Issue of Front Sight Magazine.
Q: Why do you desire to serve (or continue to serve) on the board of directors?
A: I want to see us return to the purpose as defined in our bylaws:
Increased support of smaller clubs
Match management training for ranges
Treating clubs as a type of "franchisee", where we provide training and support
More promotion of sport shooting
More focus on new shooter development programs
More training of shooters, range and match staff.
Increased marketing, promotion and cooperation with other shooting organziations.
More Level 1 matches and increased capacity at the Level 3 matches
Q: What do you believe to be the core responsibilities of an Area Director?
Provide strategic planning and leadership
Oversee USPSA operations and enforce bylaws
Develop relationships with other shooting and industry organizations
Develop and support a national marketing program that reaches retail and ranges.
Represent the needs of the area clubs and members at the BOD level
Q: Prior to announcing your candidacy, what have you done to help grow the organization?
I have been active in USPSA for over 25 years.
I have met with IPSC and other groups and promoted USPSA and USA shooters
I have assisted USA shooting teams with permits, bookings and other arrangements.
I have been an RO at matches
Q: Do you consider USPSA’s continued participation with IPSC to be important?
A: IPSC has grown to over 100 regions are about 250,000 members. It is time to pool resources, and bring rules closer together, so we can work together at growing our shooting sport internationally. Rob Leatham said it best. IPSC tests your ability to shoot accurately.
I have participated in many international IPSC matches. They are more technical, and lower round count, but they are as much fun, and for many shooters, more interesting. Again, to each their own.
This is not to say we change USPSA. We co-exist as shooting organizations. Many clubs have indicated to me an interest in holding IPSC style matches, in addition to the USPSA matches they host. There is plenty of scope to run both types of stages, matches and rules. Let shooters decide what they want to shoot.
I have personally developed relationships with many of the international Regional Directors, organizers and IPSC Executive. I would like to build on this relationship, and be considered as a IPSC-USA “Assistant Director”, serving at the pleasure of the United States IPSC Regional Director, and USPSA President.
Q: What are the top three ways we can market USPSA both within and outside of the shooting community?
Develop better “New Shooter” programs similar to the one in place at Rio Salado.
Work with manufacturers to include “Come Join Us” literature with all guns sold.
Develop a closer relationship with the NSSF, reaching gun stores, ranges and clubs.
Q: What do you feel USPSA is doing right?
USPSA has cleaned up the managerial side and brought professionalism
USPSA has a more streamlined process of management and decision-making.
USPSA has developed new shooters, and retained past members.
I really like the progress in online and internet marketing and communication.
Q: What do you feel USPSA is doing wrong, how do you “fix this”
USPSA needs more marketing outsourcing
USPSA needs to do more to increase big match capacities
Q: What other issue(s) do you consider important?
Returning USPSA to the prestigious organization it used to be
Rebuilding of trust, ethics and respect for others.
Continued development of electronic scoring
Support the training by independent instructors of shooters and staff members
Q: What is your favorite thing about USPSA?
A: The passion and commitment of a wide variety of shooting interests
Q: If you are unsuccessful in your bid to become a member of the board, how will you serve USPSA?
A: I will continue to develop relationships with international shooters and IPSC, as I have done for years, without any support. I will continue to participate in local and national events, promote the organization and support members and fellow shooters.
The organization is not about the the hierarchy, it is about the shooting membership. Regardless who is leading, there are still members that need to be served.
Finally, a promise that I will make every effort to work with the other Board Members, as well as the USPSA management team, in a professional and responsible manner.
Leighton Oosthuisen L-4092